Wednesday, November 9, 2016

veterans day

                             Veterans day    Image result for veterans day

Veterans day is originated as “Armistice Day” on November 11 for the end of world war 1. The congress passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, and november 11 became a national holiday in 1938.
Veterans day is celebrated on november 11.
The purpose of veterans day is to tribute veterans (dead or alive) who served the military with honor on war and on peacetime.
It's important to honor veterans day because we honor people who risked their life to save people including us.
Some ways to show respect on veterans day is to:
  1. Have a moment of silence.
  2. Take off your hats.
         Image result for veterans dayImage result for veterans day
Veterans day it's a day of honor and should continue to be celebrated because it’s a way to pay for what soldiers did for us. Also because they were brave and try their best to protect the people. They sacrificed for us to be in a safe country. Some are still fighting today for us to live in a good place. They didn’t retreat to be safe, instead they fought with all they had. Alot died while others didn’t. Some left their families and never saw them again. Everyone that was in war served for one purpose, to make this country safe. That is why we should honor veterans day.

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